Finally “Just Steffi”

I am currently remodeling an old house, trying to give my children finally the home they deserve so much, after moving five times in eight years.

I’m finally taking a chance in building my dream kitchen, my happy and safe place to be creative.

When you are finally able to push most of life’s self-inflicted complications aside, Life is pretty simple.

Life’s rules are simple. We as humans usually make it complicated. I always tell who does or doesn’t wants to hear it, that life is NOT fair nor UNFAIR. Life is simple life. Life has no agenda in being fair or unfair.

After my second divorce I hit bottom for a while, re-evaluating my life choices, my goals and my dreams. For a second, I even thought about breaking down camp, moving back to Germany with my tail between my legs like a beaten dog and leaving everything behind. Friends I made over two decades and a career I had worked so hard for to achieve. I thought how devastating this would be for my sons, I’m glad I didn’t. Instead I got a tattoo to remember and to embrace me as a person and a woman, not just as a mother. For me Life is a balance of all these things and they can not exist without each other.

Mutig, Schmerz, Hoffnung Trauer, Trost, Liebe

Courage, Pain, Hope, Agony, Solace, L O V E
